Take physic, pomp

Today’s in-depth market news: Zinc producer Milpo predicts higher zinc prices

Today Milpo, large Peruvian zinc producer own by Brazil’s Votorantim, predicted higher zinc prices this yearIn other news, The Gold Marketing Board’s latest market analysis points to higher gold prices in the near future and considers that everyone should have 5% of their net worth in gold. A spokesperson for Apple (AAPL) told assembled reporters that she prefers Apple computing products to any other company’s computing products. Papa John, founder of Papa John’s Pizza, let slip that his preferred pizza brand is Papa John’s. Both Oral-B and Colgate got together in a joint press conference to tell people that it’s a smart idea to change their toothbrush every three months.  The Optician’s Society of America advises all citizens to get a sight test every 12 months. The peanut marketing board announces new scientific research that shows extra nutritional benefits of eating peanuts. Sarah Lee, world famous chocolate cake manufacturer, has also revealed that eating chocolate cake is good for you. And the Bitcoin appreciation society confidently predicted that Bitcoins would soon trade at $2,000 each. 

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