Take physic, pomp

Tom Tomorrow’s Charlie Hebd’overload

It could have been because of the socks, or perhaps the box of chocolates that were tasty enough for sure but didn’t last more than 48 hours. But for whatever reason this year I decided to buy myself a Christmas present and got myself a 12 month subscription to Sparky’s List, a.k.a. the Tom Tomorrow support group. For a small amount of US Dollars I now get to read the next week’s This Modern World cartoon a day or two before it hits the public, in a mail delivered to my mailbox that comes with extra commentaries and thoughts from the man himself. 
And it’s great. And I recommend you all go over and sign up by using this link. You can now pay using PayPal, too. Happy Christmas to me.
But the reason for today’s post is to warn you all that with his latest strip, entitled “Charlie Hebd’overload”, Tom Tomorrow has knocked it straight out of the park. Brilliant, do they award Oscars for these things? Anyway, look out for it in the next few days.

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