Take physic, pomp

Trading Post

Remember who the irritating swine is that sold all his GLD and lightened most of his JAG last week? Yeah, that’s me. GLD down 5% today, carnage all around and Otto in cash. Ho hum.

There’s far too much disaster to choose from today, but to pick the bones of a few faves………

Petaquilla Minerals (PTQ.to) down 3.6% at $0.53, even though it apparently announced good things late last week. When I have time later today there’s a post coming up on PTQ, so watch this space.

Nadagold (NG) down 8.5% at $0.52. In approx 30 minutes from now, crooked insider seller Greg Johnson is due to speak at the San Francisco gold conference. Now I’d love repeat LOVE to be in attendance on that one, especially for the Q&A session afterwards.

Cosan (CZZ) down 10+% at $2.74. Holy cow this thing has serious beta. I keep looking at it and deciding where to dip a toe in, but being the whuss that I am just can’t bring myself to play.

Telecom Argentina (TEO) down 7% today and following the Merval index (down 6.8%). TEO had put in a bit of a relief rally over the last week or so, but slapped down today. When good companies work in bad countries, nobody cares about the company.

Finally, will the person who keeps trying to add Jim Sinclair posts to comments on this blog please desist? Three reasons for this:

1) No comments left by “anonymous” will get shown. Period.
2) Jim Sinclair couldn’t predict his own birthday. His track record is appallingly bad and his fawning sheep-like fans just can’t bring themselves to admit it.
3) It’s impossible to take anyone who looks like a water vole seriously. YOU BE THE JUDGE!

Water Vole

Jim Sinclair

UPDATE: Just received the following mail. Obviously someone brighter than this humble correspondent:


Your comparison of Jim Sinclair to a water vole is most unfair to voles.
The simple fact is, Jim Sinclair looks more like a stoat. See?

OttoNote: No more additions, please. Best not to make this blog into a Sinclair animal lookalike competition (or is it too late?).

UPDATE 2: Oh lordy…what have I started? This from reader TP (another Jimmy S fan, obviously):

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