Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (Beebaporoo edition)

If you have a cold, chill, bad chest or bad throat, ask anyone’s advice in South America about what to do and they’re sure to advise you to use “Beebaporoo”. In fact, it’s one of the best sellers all around the world, but go into a pharmacy and ask for “Vick’s VapoRub” pronounced the correct (and very boring) way and they won’t know what you’re talking about. So remember, beebaporoo.

Now for some usual suspects:

Vena Resources (VEM.to) up a penny at $0.41. Was it around this time last week with VEM.to at 30 that i wrote that it could jump30% at any moment? Yeah, it was………

Fronteer (FRG) up 4.9% at U$4.09 and tearing the place apart with its almost superhuman strength. I loved the PR yesterday with the new and very sexy Sandman intersections. Here it is linked if you missed it.

Rusoro (RML.v) down 6.1% at $0.46. I added a few today to get my avergage under 50c. The reason was the 1q09 results that were really good…the market rewards a great quarter by dumping on the company. So be it.

Gold Hawk (CGK.v) up a penny at $0.07 and good to see CGK breaking away from that 6c level, at least for a while. At current metals prices it will be coining it once Coricancha gets going again. If I get any news from the company (ahem cough cough) it’s be great to pass it on.

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) down 4.9% at $0.98, and if I bought anything else today it would be this and this price. Veeeery tempting to add here. Way cheap on fundies. DYODD, dudes.

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