Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (comparative edition)

Dynasty Metals up 10.4% at $5.40. This is good. Meanwhile, here’s a special chart for all those peppering me with BS pumps about CTQ.to:
Yeah yeah, dudes, whatever you say. How’s that “imminent sale” to Tongling from this time last year going, anyhow?

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) down 2 spots at $1.69. Our fave small silver keeps banging its head against the 1.7 line and falling back. That’s ok, we’re not here for the short haul. Target much higher than today’s levels and we’re expecting very good things for the 3q09 earnings report due out soon.

Constitution Mining (CMIN.ob) down 6.5% at $1.15. With gold at record highs, I’m forced into the only possible reaction of wetting myself laughing. Find out more about this scam right here.

TheNewCrystallex (EC.v) up 9.4% at $0.58. Mining stocks for small boys that think superduper secret inside intel beats out betting money on crooks.

Chariot Resources (CHD.to) up 9.7% at $0.34, moving on the back of this kinda-good-news-but-pumpy-promo press release before the bell this morning. As mentioned to subbers in a Flash update I tried to get in at $0.32 early doors. I failed to get the price but not chasing the stock from here. If they give me a value entry, I’ll take it. If not, no. CHD has cried wolf too many times to be fully trustworthy.

Amarillo Gold (AGC.v) down 5.1% at $0.93 and AuEx Ventures (XAU.to) down a penny at $3.19…although I get the general drift, I’ll never really understand why people are so fixated with BS pump jobs and ignore good mining companies doing serious exploratory work. The MTV attention span generation, perhaps? Discuss.

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