Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (cool yer jets edition)

Canadian markets are still glitched and closed tighter than a mallard’s sphincter. Word is that the computer technicians are contracted from company called Madoff Inc…would that have anything to do with it?
Nadagold (NG) up tons again. Holy Moley, check the five day chart out.
That’s a mighty, mighty rebound for such a crappy company. Today NG released a statement saying “we dunno what’s making the stock do this” (12:54pm timestamp right here), probably trying to put the brakes on before it gets too high. After all, most of Greg Johnson’s 580,000 shares sold before the “we’re in trouble” announcement were around this current price and WW’s Paolo Lostritto has to get his price target changed, too. Eh boyz? On a totally unrelated matter, I wonder when the next round of incentive options at NG will be awarded?

The copper sisters doing nicely, with both PCU and FCX up 5%+. Again this rebound pointing to the underlying value in these stocks and not a reaction to spot copper, still languishing under $1.40/lb. We follow ’em closely and know the score by now, right?

Gold Reserve has dumped 18% on the news of its weird and wonderful lawsuit, now at $0.50 on average volumes. Can somebody explain how you sneak onto a walled concession with a diamond drill rig and secret-squirrel yourself a few core samples? Man this is mondo bizarro. Maybe the kookiness of having KRY as neighbour for all this time must be rubbing off onto Belanger. He strikes me as the boy who takes his football home just cos the others won’t let him be Diego Maradona.

Jaguar Mining (JAG) up another another 13% at $3.76. I refer the visiting reader to yesterday’s comments on this popper.

Cosan (CZZ) up 3.5% and back at $3.00. I’m very close to buying and holding this company now. The ZIRPy Fed will help its debt profile and product prices at the same time. This is the stock at the very top of my list right now. Just have to overcome my personal inner whuss-barrier and I’ll be long.

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