Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (Equator Principles edition)

Plexmar (PLE.v) down 7.1% at $0.13 and happily this dogfaced scammy thing isn’t getting any sort of a bump from the positive news out of Ecuador. Currently twelve cents more than I’d ever pay for it. Horrible.

Girly Stock (GRL.v) down 4% at $1.20. There may or may not be news after the bell on this thing. You never know.

Rusoro (RML.v) down 3.3% at $0.58 and hasn’t managed to punch thru the 60c barrier, but the volumes (thanks to a 3m GMP cross and ‘find the lady’ games at the can of corn) are strong at 5.6m and counting. Wouldn’t it be fun if article two exemption were announced by Hugo this weekend…

Dynasty (DMM.to) up 15.1% at $4.95. Going higher, too. Cormark busy pumping the price all in a kind of fit’n’start operation. I wonder if we get any flash urgent looky-look coverage from them maƱana? I wonder if the Pope is Catholic? I wonder if it’s true about bears defecating in arboreal regions?

ADDENDUM: Linear Gold (LRR.to) has just decided to run an equity financing. Probably a good time to do it, as when Kinross hands back the Mexico properties things won’t be so positive, correct Wade?

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