Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (Mixed Bag edition)

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) down 8.2% at $0.90. Any reason? Nah, don’t think so. My $1.08 target is still in place, so I reckon there’s a 20% short term profit going begging here. The 1q09 results are published tomorrow and I expect good things. DYODD, but I’m going to try to add a few at 90c here. This kind of downdraft is the reason I keep plenty of cash in the a/c…opportunity knocks.

Troy Resources (TRY.to) up a penny at $1.17. Slowly slowly catchy monkey.

Minera Andes (MAI.to) down 3c at $0.66. The latest news on the San José mine walkout is that the strike may well extend to other mines and even other regions. On the one hand it’s not good (for the publicity), on the other hand it will likely hury a resolution along. I’d consider any drop from here a buying opportunity in MAI.to.

Cardero (CDY) up 4.4% at U$1.19. The low volume is the story here. No weak hands left to shake out, Henk…sorry 🙂

UPDATE: Just snagged a few FVI.v at 90c. Quite a chunky position now.

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