Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (Monday dump edition)

What is this Hope of which you talk, gringos? Dow 5 day chart.

But wait up, as tomorrow is quarter’s end and we may see significant window dressing as funds etc buy into the quarter’s winning stocks so they can say “aren’t we clever?” to their dozing clientele. Hopeā„¢ springs eternal, n’est-ce pas?

Freeport (FCX) down 8% at $38.72. Here’s a prime example of a potential buy this afternoon that you could sell at a profit tomorrow on that window dressing bounce. Even taking into account today’s slump, FCX is 50% up this quarter and that ain’t too shabby. DYODD, dude.

Chariot Resources (CHD.to) down 10.2% at $0.22, and those of you who bought the NOBS report and read it over the weekend would have been ready for this drop. The recommendations took this into account and gives a potential buying point that completely ignored Friday’s bounce (the reasons are given, too). This isn’t the last chance to buy the $10 report but it is the last time I’m going to unashamedly pump it on site. Here’s the link to find out more.

Gold Hawk Resources up 16.7% at $0.035. Signs of life in the stock price, though volumes remain low. Wouldn’t it be great to get some good news on this company soon……..

Malaga (MLG.to) up 36% at $0.15 on tiny volumes. The verdict is on on MLG.to and that verdict is “untouchable”. Trouble is brewing at Pasto Bueno between locals and management, with a nasty repression noted last week in the local press as protesters blocking access to the place were beaten up by police and MLG.to security staff. This is the kind of story that ends in tears, I’m afraid. Don’t go long, don’t go short, just avoid.

Troy Resources UNCH at $1.15 on zero volume, this despite the far more liquid Aussie stock rising 6.25% to A$1.445 last night. The forex arb would put TRY.to at C$1.24 or so in a freely-flowing world.

UPDATE (after the bell): Money where mouth is. I bot a few FCX and will sell them tomorrow whatever happens. Flip the coin, heads or tails, win or lose?

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