Meet me in the summertime
We can move the air
Sweet Virginia countryside
I will meet you there
Dynasty ( up 3.3% at $3.29 on a low volume recovery from yesterday’s swandive. It’s all good.
Troy Resources ( up 2.6% at $1.56 on a down day….it’s all good. Again great volumes in Australia last night. Gotta love this move…gotta be on it, too.
Oroco Resources (OCO.v) UNCH at $0.135 on nothing volumes. This is the very same dog that was pumped to a bunch of greenhorn Germans by a scammy operator in that country named ‘General Research GmbH’. That scam artist got the thing up to 25c early June before reality set in (and after the scoundrels behind the pump had sold their stock, for sure). There’s more chance of Alvaro Uribe winning Mr. Universe than a profitable mine getting built on top of its smoke’n’mirrors asset. If you’re long this you have two choices; learn by your mistakes or remain poor for the rest of your life, cos if they scam you with this one they’ll scam you the same way with a thousand others.
Exeter Resources (XRC.v) (XRA) down 1% at C$3.00. Woof woof.
Caerus Resources (CA.v) down 7% at 40c. I tried to warn you about this thing, but would you listen? That’s 30% dropped in the space of a week. The reason: Woof woof woof woof woof woof.
UPDATE: Winnah winnah chikkin dinnah goes to reader MR timestamped at 1:08pm…2nd place Jeppe. No need to continue writing and telling me it’s Foo Fighters with ‘Summer’s End’.