Nadagold (NG) up 11.9% at U$4.17 and enjoying the “leverage” as its promo shiller call it. Us normal people call it “Hey, at $1,200/oz gold for the next 20 years they might even build a mine at Galore“. Today’s a great day to lighten, ‘MC’ 🙂
Ecometals (EC.v) up 8.1% at $0.47 and so great so see such a reliable and trustworthy management team getting a pop from today’s action. Couldn’t happen to a nicer set of shepherds.
Pediment (PEZ.to) up 1.3% at 0.77 but its journey to the very low 70s earlier this week made my “76 to 78 is a line in the sand here” recent call suck bigtime. Jeesh, beats me why you bother reading this blog sometimes…never any value here….still like PEZ, though.
Dynasty (DMM.to) up 6.4% at $3.50 on something close to tradeable volumes, too. Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone…
Minera Andes (MAI.to) up 6.6% at $0.65. I was told by a mailer that the chart didn’t look very good on this yesterday. Well, gold popping 20 bux kinda trumps that one.
Radius Gold (RDU.v) up 5.6% at $0.19. I’m now long this stock, small position that can get added to if value shows its head. Long-term play with a target price noted in The IKN Weekly. DYODd, dude.