Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (poetic justice edition)

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost, 1874 – 1963

I’m not saying I called the gold top well, cos I didn’t. Let’s make that clear. I’ve felt antsy about POG from about $930 upwards and mainly sat on the sidelines about it. Lucas or Gary can tell you about the chart and the tops and thing like that, I see two things going on, 1) too many latecomers at this party that don’t know enough about the sector and 2) real deflation risk that will suck the air out of all money, with “all money” including gold by the permabull goldbugs’ own definition. I could rattle off a whole list of goldstock carnage victims from bigguns like GG to tiny weeny ones like CGK.v today. But I won’t. Let’s just make an example of four usual suspects:

Dynasty Metals (DMM.to) down 6.9% at $4.99. Low volumes and could have been worse. Absolutely zero problems about holding them all and waiting the rough waters out. I’d also add if gold goes further South and gets weak hands to panic.

Kinross (KGC) down 6.9% at U$17.07. Yup, it happened. I know they’re all dropping, but the mediocre 4th quarter didn’t help. Neither did the facile pumping of Tye Burt at the BMO conference yesterday.

Nadagold (NG) down 12% at U$2.65 . How could I not include NG on a day like this? Hate me I’m still short. Despise me cos I’m a mile in profit. Grind your teeth at me as I grin and whisper “don’t say I didn’t tell you”. Keeping loathing me cos I’m not covering yet. Es un perro con pulgas y la pura verdad carajo.

Troy Resources down 8.7% at $1.05. Low volumes and that. If it drops under a buck buy with both hands. No wait, first buy my NOBS report on TRY.to then buy with both hands. This is at least a double with gold at U$900 so don’t worry about the day-to-day spot price shenanigans. My biggest position in the trading portfolio, up nicely already and holding no worries.

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