Constitution Mining (CMIN.ob) down 8.6% at $1.225 and the penny begins to drop…talking of drops, still a long one to happen yet. I’ve had mails from people who’ve tried and failed to short this thanks to the myopic NYSE and its new policies. All the lack of short selling does is support scamster companies like this and makes their declines slower and more painful.
TheNewCrystallex (EC.v) UNCH at 40c. Talking of scam companies, the trials and tribulations of Ecometals’ illegal and unethical activities in Brazil are now getting full and undiluted attention paid to them by the government of Ecuador, according to the jungle drums being heard Chez Otto. There comes a point when screw-you-just-gimme-the-money capitalism gets its comeuppance…that point is moving towards us quickly as regards Ecometals and its shameless support group pump artists. Wondering why this POS doesn’t have its permits yet?
Minera Andes ( up 2.7% at $0.77 and one of those days when I scratch my head but say thank you all the same. The news of the latest strike at the JV San José mine depressed the stock early on, but then volume and upmove and finished above the 75c line (where that recent financing was set) for the first time in a long time. It’s probably up due to the all-singing-all-dancing-all poderoso Canaccord. was featured by the Zeds in Metaland this week and dem zeds reiterated their $1.35 call. Every now and again i get to agree with a can’o’corn call and today’s the day…bit spooky. Still, if it runs like this on negative newsflow, is it time for a decent run with positive news? Time will tell. Fundies make it look very cheap here, that’s for sure. PolRisk a worry. I own.
Dynasty Metals ( up 8.9% at $4.51 and had a good day on good volume. Good.