Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (pum! edition)

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) up 11.4% at $1.95…..oh, so NOW you think it’s cheap do you? Love you all latecomerz, but fear not; FVI has plenty of upside left to come.

Cr__tallex (K_Y) up loads at $0.44. But really, who in their right mind gives a shit?

Troy Resources (TRY.to) up 4.1% at $2.56 and refuses to lie down, even under the present rights issue. I get to buy one share at A$2 for every six I own, which is my idea of an early Xmas present. DYODD, dude.

The NewCrystallex (EC.v) down 4.6% at $0.83 and when the penny starts to drop that this crooked dog isn’t getting its drill permits anytime soon, the downside will just get steeper.

Salazar (SRL.v) UNCH at $1.00. This stock was featured in IKN29 yesterday, with pros and cons considered and a personal viewpoint. We do like Fredy, though.

New Gold (NGD) up $2.7% at U$4.26. Not unexpected.

Canplats (CPQ.v) up 37.3% at $3.50 and today’s big winner. It gets to sell its main show to GG and spin out the exploration sites into a 90% owned new entity ready financed with $10m in the pot. Brent Cook’s subscribers have likely paid their subscriptions fees for the next 10 years on his reco…well nailed, sir.

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