Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (rising tide edition)

Have you voted yet? If not use this link right here, it only takes a few seconds. I’m shocked to see this humble corner of cyberspace in second position right now, behind the deservedly popular blog Generation Y (and in front of the high-traffic blog Dolar Paralelo). From the start I set my heart on a top five position, but a top three finish would be simply wonderful. And remember you can vote every 24 hours, so if you’ve already polled early (thanks) you can still vote often. Ain’t democracy grand?

Copper sisters, do your thang! FCX up 8% at $30, PCU up 5% at $19. Marc Faber said he’d buy industrial metals over gold going forward today. Here’s the link to Faber and his badly knotted necktie on BloomieTV earlier. Thanks to Lucas at Trend&Value for sending this link over.

Greenfield copper juniors doing well, too. Just one week ago we noted Candente (DNT.to) at $0.17, Chariot (CHD.to) at $0.10 and Los Andes Copper (LA.v) at $0.05. Today those numbers are DNT.to $0.235, CHD.to $0.17 and LA.v at $0.095. Very nice bounces all round. All large deposit juniors in LatAm and all worth a visit and some of your DD time if the copper rebound goes the way Faber thinks it will.

Gold pornography update. We’ll just do this in graphic form and keep the words to a minimum.
Nuff said.

Cosan (CZZ) up 10% at $3.61. This is my money-where-mouth-is play on soft commods, supply squeezes, lack of fertilizers in the first part of the growing season issues. Also, is that the word “ethanol” I hear back on the lips of people? Is that somethig to do with crude breaking through $50 to the upside today? DYODD dude, but I like this position more every day. You go girl.

Dynasty (DMM.to) at $2.70. I’m still waiting to see if Mr. Market is kind enough to offer me $2.50, in which case I’ll be adding. Good news on the Ecuador mining situation expected shortly. Watch this space, as I’ll be posting on it later today.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot. This morning I found out the reason behind Fortuna Silver’s (FVI.v) big recent move. Apparently Casey’s newsletters called it as “Best Buy” at $0.69 on December 31st. Whether that is good or bad is debatable, of course. Personally it gives me that shivery feeling in the pit of the stomach, but on the other hand a win is a win. Fortuna up at $0.92 today and continuing the good run. Fortuna is a site sponsor (for the time being at least) so DYODD.

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