Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (Wedding Anniversary edition)

Yes indeed, it’s Otto and Madam Otto’s wedding anniversary today. You’ll excuse the lack of posting this afternoon, as the lunchtime got rather cocktail-y.

Guyana Goldfields (GUY.to) up 10.7% at $3.00 and reacting very well to the PR news this morning.

Nadagold (NG) up 5% at $3.53 and puts my short position 3% underwater. But I don’t care..I’ve been out drinking with the missus.

Fortuna (FVI.v) down 2.1% at $0.92…last chance to board the elevator ride. The market is marking down FVI.v after the mediocrity in results from peers (eg EDR.to..woof woof). Otto sez bargain price.

Troy Resources up 2.6% at $1.20. YAY! more to come. DYODD

And now..siesta. Clients can expect The IKN Weekly (in all its sober glory) out on time Sunday afternoon.

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