Take physic, pomp

Translation of the Unasur declaration on Ecuador published this morning

Directly translated from this copy of the communique by this author.

The Heads of State and government of Unasur, meeting in the San Martín Palace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1 October 2010:

1) Reaffirm their strong commitment to the preservation of democratic institutionality, the State, constitutional order, social peace and the unrestricted respect for human rights, essential conditions for the process of regional integration.

2) Strongly condemn the attempted coup d’etat and subsequent holding of President Rafael Correa Delgado, as occurred in the sister Republic of Ecuador on September 30.

3) Celebrate the liberation of President Correa Delgado as well as the quick return to institutional and democratic normality in the sister Republic. We express the need that those responsible for the coupmongering actions be judged and condemned. In this context we reiterate the fullest and most decided support for the constitutional government and highlight the role of those institutions in the re-establishment of constitutional order.

4) Affirm that our respective governments energetically reject and do not tolerate under any circumstance any new challenge to the institutional authority nor any attempted coup against the civil power elected legitimately and warn that in the case of new outbreaks again the constitutional order will adopt concrete and immediate measures  such as the closure of borders, suspension of commerce, suspecnsion of air traffic, suspension of energy provision, services and other.

5) Decide that their chancellors will travel today to the city of Quito to express their full support for the constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa Delgado, and for the people of Ecuador, indispensible participants in the full restauration of democratic institutionality in that country.

6) Agree to adopt in the fourth ordinary summit meeting of Heads of State and government of Unasur, to take place on 26 November in Guyana, an additional protocol to the constituent treaty of Unasur that establishes the democratic clause.

UPDATE: This comes to mind. 

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