Take physic, pomp

Troy Resources (TRY.to) and house parties

When people get invited to house parties, be the event a dinner, or cocktails, or a birthday or just getting a group of friends together to watch something on TV, some people prefer to arrive late and make an entrance where they get seen by everyone.

Not me; I’m the type of dude who likes to arrive first. It’s nice that way cos you get to check out the house, see the titles on the bookshelf, get to talk to the host while s/he’s not busy and fussing around. There are always all sorts of things to chat about and as the host invited you over they tend to be cool people, too. Then later when the main body of guests arrive I can help out by holding open the door and ushering them into a place with a good, positive atmosphere. That’s my idea of a great way to start a party.

For the record I’m long TRY.to at 84c bought in January. Also for the record, thanks are due to Claude Cormier of Ormetal for giving me the headsup and the “Hey check this one out, Otto” on the company. Nice spot, dude.

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