Take physic, pomp

Updating on Porter Stansberry’s attempts to gag IKN

A quick update on the post of one month ago, when your humble scribe was informed that Porter Stansberry had filed legal action against this humble corner of cyberspace. As per this week Porter Stansberry seems to have given up trying to shut down IKN. Nothing on the docket since April 22nd:
The proven securities fraudster Porter Stansberry has probably decided against wasting his money in stupid and frivolous cases that don’t have a chance of prospering. In other words, his bullyboy tactics haven’t worked.
Or maybe he’s just chicken? 
By the way Porter, gotta love the way you “don’t know my ID” and file against John Doe. You’re a joke.

UPDATE Friday June 17th: Now that we know Stansberry Research has seen this post…

…let’s see how this Paragon Of Free Speech (when it suits him) reacts.

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