Why should the far right wing extremists that gained some type of quasi-legitimacy under Orange Stupid have a monopoly on gratuitous revenge fantasies? Why does the Second Amendment only matter to them? Why shouldn’t a posse of fat tattooed Marxists dress up in fatigues and parade around brandishing semi-automatic weapons anytime a vote goes against them? If the troglodyte right wants to start a civil war you can at least give them a decent reason, so c’mon lefty snowflake, stop trying to appease these right wing morons! Humiliate them for the sake of your children, make them understand how dumb they are.
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And let’s start by flagging everything Say No To Baizuo writes on these comments pages. Man, you are one repetitive boring troll and i’ve had enough of you in my living room. Goodbye.
This is why you got off twitter, couldn’t hack it. Needed to control the narrative like the loser you are. Started off with anonymous and freedom of speech. Now down to the petty bans and threats.
Should make people log in and give you a drivers license for verification in order to post. Would cut down on people’s real thoughts about you.
And judgmental, too. Got any hobbies apart from trolling your pathetic life away?
Delete the comments. Than you won’t have to deal with the truth. Stay in your bubble.
Reading you reminds me why i am successful.
Assay results pending from drilling holes. Bated breath!
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Good call on Norsemont. Love that it’s apparently in a Nature Reserve with bad relations in the community since 2004 to ensure that it stays pristine and untouched. It’s a bigger winner than NOVO. You racing to the bottom with this one?
Reading 20% of a person’s opinion on a company then commenting, you are so cool. Be proud. Be a proud cool troll.
Just rare to see a company nosedive 50% after a buy call. Sometimes you get that when your cousin Ricky working at jiffy lube tells you to get in on a “for sure thing man”. He heard it on the telly.
Hey “Jack” do you mind posting under a different nick? I’ve posted several times under that nick and don’t want anyone to think we’re the same person. Thanks
P.s. I don’t agree with anything you said.
I prefer the comments pages for Minera IRL posts.
These Trumpers are a sensitive bunch. And they call the left snowflakes!
Their unintentional self-parody is a wonder to behold, almost makes it worth poking them with pointy sticks.
Self parody?… Coming from the guy who posts under a pseudonym, on a blogspot page, with delusions of grandeur, and who perpetually gets into flame wars with random people on message boards. But don’t worry, I won’t poke you with any sticks; you’d probably enjoy it too much.
Which part of that makes you most jealous? Bet it’s the flaming, you like the flaming.
What percentage of Proud Boys are closet homosexuals anyway? Must be fairly high, 20% or so. The homoerotic fantasies aren’t difficult to spot, surely be one of the reasons to join the gang.
Says the guy who obsesses over homosexuality and other men’s penises. We all know the source of your angst.
Your schoolboy assumptions are such fun.
Trump was not racist he was an outsider & didn’t put the interests of military industrial complex 1st (TRUMP HAD NO NEW WARS & EFFECTIVELY EXTRACTED USA FORM 3 ENDLESS WARS). Trump put American people first (not special interests), he believed in eliminating impediments to business (HE HAD AN ORDER THAT NO NEW FEDERAL RULE COULD BE ADDED TO BOOKS UNLESS TWO WERE ELIMINATED), he believed in less taxes (Letting people keep more $), he believed in the rights of individuals.
You poor thing. Have a lay down.
Are Trump & Bannon racist or is it strategy? Who knows but the muslim ban & border wall court the racist vote. Trump RAISED military spending. If he ended 3 wars you’d expect to spend less, not more right? He cut your taxes a bit, cut corporate taxes from 35% to 22%, as well as taxes for people with estates over $5.5M. He’s defunding govt and deregulating business. It’s actually a pretty skillful act he’s pulling off, getting your vote while screwing you with his policies.