Take physic, pomp

You know gold’s on a roll when (top five reasons)…..

1) Novagold
‘s projects begin to look commercially viable.

2) Good Morning America invites Jim Sinclair to expound on air and the phrase ‘Gold Guru’ is used by CNBC anchormen without rolling eyes

3) Normally well-adjusted fund managers e-mail you with “Y’know, maybe that Jim Willie does have a point after all“.

4) Acquaintances stop you in the bar and say “Hey, aren’t you the guy who bought gold back then? Got any good tips for me?“.

5) Suddenly Zimbabwean political risk doesn’t matter much any more.

Feel free to add any more to the comments section*.
*For some unknown Googly reason, the comments link isn’t available straight from the main page, but if you click on this individual post the feature is still available.

UPDATE: Two more to add from mails

a) CNBC cites Glenn Beck as an economic indicator (from RG, with link)

b) Mickey Fulp starts appearing regularly on the Korelin Report (from EB)

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