Take physic, pomp

Your Plan Colombia tax dollars at work, part 439

Another example of the U$7Bn wasted on Plan Colombia this decade. Even though coca production rose 27% in Colombia last year, the Colombian and Mexican cartels just can’t get enough raw material these days to sell to their ever expanding target markets that still deny they’re any part of the problem (i.e. USA and Europe). So now the ColoMex cartels are trying to move into Bolivia, thus spreading their filth even further and buying up all they can from the locals.

But the thing is, once they leave the relative safety of DEA controlled Colombia (geddit?) they risk getting arrested by people who are actually doing an effective job of cracking down on the cocaine trade, namely Bolivia’s FELCN. So add the 195kg of very pure Charlie, eight Colombians, one Argentine and a Bolivian to the recent roster of success at FELCN. In fact, since this report last week about Bolivia having confiscated 7.19 metric tonnes (MT) of cocaine and an impressive 1,267MT of marijuana in the period Jan09 to March09, the FELCN has taken another half tonne of cocaine off the market and taken yet another light aircraft away from the narco scum. And all this doesn’t even include the 100kg per day cocaine megafactory that the FELCN dismantled in late March.

However, according to the English media it’s Evo’s fault. And they’d never lie to you or feed you a false agenda, so why even bother with the facts?

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