I laugh in your face, Dennis I Want Moore. Not one month ago, he “retired” from Cabral Gold (CBR.v) in order to dump his shares without anyone noticing:
The Company also announces that Dennis Moore has resigned from the Board of Directors as part of his retirement process. The Board would like to thank Dennis for his significant contributions to both the Cuiú Cuiú gold project and the Company, and wishes him well in his retirement.
Today, the truth emerges:
Dennis Moore, has agreed to assume the role of CEO on an interim basis, effective immediately. Mr. Moore is the Company’s President, and is one of the founders of Fremont and is consequently very familiar with the Company’s assets. He has a proven track record of gold discovery and is ideally placed to advance the Company.
IKN readers will not be surprised, as this humble corner of cyberspace already knew of this nefarious individual’s plans and told you as much, too. Dennis I Want Moore is the classic junior scam merchant, he and Alan Carter have been using legal theft on you idiots for years. Anyone want to bet on the time it takes for Gwen Preston to pump Fremont? Dennis I Want Moore is a liar, a thief and human garbage. In other words, he knew he was a mining executive from an early age.
PS: Let’s remember that Dennis doesn’t like being featured on IKN:
Never mind, Dennis, wipe those tears away with your twenty dollar bills and you’ll feel better in no time. Kisses.
Also keen on lupins, I hear. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2nrqgb